1. Seedling

Kizuna Co., Ltd is proud to cooperate with experienced farmers and experts in the aquaculture and agricultural industry. This is the first stage as well as important in the value chain, the seeds are selected as the best type grown in the safety growing area, and we follow strictly the farming process to make sure to bring the standard input sources.

2. Raw Materials

It often depends on the season. When harvesting the raw material, the raw material is selected as the grade A (best type), and test carefully the quality before moving them to the factory. With the numerous farming area in Viet Nam, can meet in a big capacity of raw materials.

3. Production - Processing

The manufacturer is equipped with the modern production lines, will select the raw material, and proceed with the manufacturing process. They will perform exactly the requirement of customers under the management of QA&QC, and the factory director.

4. Distribution - Consumption

The products are packed and transported to customers. In many of the next chains, the products can be used as the materials for the next production or distributed to supermarkets/retailers/distributors to target consumers. Besides, selecting a reasonable transportation method to optimize the cost and safety.


30 different favored aquaculture products


5.000 cooperated farming hectares


20 different popular fruits and vegetables


Export & distribution in 50 countries

News & Events

Growing competitive pressure for Vietnamese fruits

China that consumes most of Vietnamese dragon fruit and durian has expanded the area of land under fruit cultivation moving towards self-sufficiency in fruit supply, a move that causes a great concern for growers and exporters of these fruits

Vietnam: Cashew industry aims to export 3.1 billion USD in 2023

The Vietnam Cashew Association (VINACAS) has set an export target of US$3.1 billion in 2023, up 0.6 percent compared to 2022. At the 12th Vietnam International Cashew Conference (February 27 - 28), Mr. Pham Van Cong, Chairman of the Vietnam Cashew Association (VINACAS) said that in 2023, although the global agricultural product market is expected to be It is forecasted that there will be a great demand for food and foodstuffs, the expansion of export markets in parallel with focusing on the domestic market will be the basis for Vietnam's agricultural industry to aim for agro-forestry export - seafood $ 54 billion in 2023 (an increase of $ 780 million compared to 2022).

Exports of cephalopods increased by 37% in February 2023

In the first two months of 2023, cephalopod products contributed 8% of Vietnam's total seafood export turnover, with a value of over $89 million. In February, the export of cephalopods increased by 37% over the same period last year, reaching 47 million USD

Export price of Vietnamese rice on the rise

An ongoing rise in Vietnam's rice price is the continuation of a trend that began last year when Chinese and Indonesian importers upped their consumption of the Vietnamese staple.

Support coming for fruit & vegetable exporters

To overcome shortcomings and shortcomings among Vietnamese fruit and vegetable exporters, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) has cooperated with Oxfam in Vietnam on the “Enhancing the export competition of small and medium-sized enterprises in the fruit and vegetable industry” project , from now to December 31, 2023. The EU has agreed to cover 80 per cent of the funding - By Vu Khue VnEconomy

Fruit and vegetable exports rise by 10.6% in Q1

VOV.VN - Vietnamese fruit and vegetable exports during the first quarter of this year brought in US$935 million, marking an increase of nearly 10.6% compared to the same period last year.
